Revalidation for Doctors
The Library and Knowledge Service is here to support you through Revalidation. This page sets out how we can help doctors with revalidation; we have also created a separate suite of resources to support Nurse and Midwife Revalidation.
Our Revalidation for Doctors Presentation (PowerPoint file) outlines the process and the ways in which we can help. Set out below is an introduction to our Revalidation Portfolio Service; contact us to sign up for your portfolio today.
Our Revalidation for Doctors Presentation (PowerPoint file) outlines the process and the ways in which we can help. Set out below is an introduction to our Revalidation Portfolio Service; contact us to sign up for your portfolio today.
Library & Knowledge Service Revalidation Portfolio
Welcome to the Library and Knowledge Service (LKS) Revalidation Portfolio. As a member of the service we will keep a portfolio of
your use of the Library and Knowledge Service mapped against the GMC Revalidation Framework criteria. You can ask for a copy of your LKS Portfolio at any time to add to your evidence for Revalidation.
Keeping Up-to-date (1.1 Maintain your professional performance)
Sign up for our current awareness bulletins or request a personalised Knowledge Alert
Borrow books from one of our staffed libraries at Rotherham Hospital, Oak House and RCHC or browse our online catalogue and have the book delivered to your workplace
Request copies of journal articles or sign up for e-mails of contents lists of key journals.
Register free for an NHS Athens account
Effective treatments based on the best available evidence (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice)
Ask us to carry out a literature search to find the best evidence
Submit a Clinical Question and we will find and summarise the highest quality research available to provide an fast-tracked
Use Map of Medicine to find care pathways and the clinical reference tool, DynaMed, to find evidence-based topic summaries and earn CME
points and professional development certificates at the same time
Involve us in care pathway development to find the best evidence and support the dissemination of the pathway
Professional development and educational activities (1.1 Maintain your professional performance)
Book onto one of regular information-skills training sessions on NHS Evidence, literature searching, the Cochrane Collection,
referencing, critical appraisal, DynaMed
Invite us to your department or workplace to deliver a bespoke training session on a hot topic or resources of your choice
We can also support and/or facilitate journals clubs or clinical book groups
Research (1.2 Apply knowledge to practice, 4.1 Show respect for patients, 4.3 Act with honesty and integrity)
If you are carrying our research we can advise on research ethics and help with literature reviews, finding funding sources, assisting with
questionnaire design, protocol development and signposting to relevant people and documentation
Communicating with patients (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice (self care), 3.1 Communicate effectively, 3.3 Establish and maintain partnerships with patients)
We can provide:
Advice and training on and signposting to high quality sources of patient information
Evidence to help you answer patient queries
Education resources to support patient self-care
Communication skills book collection: search our online catalogue
Effective management (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice)
Request an evidence-based digests of the latest good practice to support management decision-making
If you need to develop policies ask us to find examples from other areas
Refresh your skills with a wealth of information on management tools and techniques: search our online catalogue
Clinical audit (2.1 Contribute to and comply with systems to protect patients (quality assurance))
Access information to support all stages of the audit cycle from information on conducting an audit to evidence on the latest guidelines to
evidence on what works to improve practice
your use of the Library and Knowledge Service mapped against the GMC Revalidation Framework criteria. You can ask for a copy of your LKS Portfolio at any time to add to your evidence for Revalidation.
Keeping Up-to-date (1.1 Maintain your professional performance)
Sign up for our current awareness bulletins or request a personalised Knowledge Alert
Borrow books from one of our staffed libraries at Rotherham Hospital, Oak House and RCHC or browse our online catalogue and have the book delivered to your workplace
Request copies of journal articles or sign up for e-mails of contents lists of key journals.
Register free for an NHS Athens account
Effective treatments based on the best available evidence (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice)
Ask us to carry out a literature search to find the best evidence
Submit a Clinical Question and we will find and summarise the highest quality research available to provide an fast-tracked
Use Map of Medicine to find care pathways and the clinical reference tool, DynaMed, to find evidence-based topic summaries and earn CME
points and professional development certificates at the same time
Involve us in care pathway development to find the best evidence and support the dissemination of the pathway
Professional development and educational activities (1.1 Maintain your professional performance)
Book onto one of regular information-skills training sessions on NHS Evidence, literature searching, the Cochrane Collection,
referencing, critical appraisal, DynaMed
Invite us to your department or workplace to deliver a bespoke training session on a hot topic or resources of your choice
We can also support and/or facilitate journals clubs or clinical book groups
Research (1.2 Apply knowledge to practice, 4.1 Show respect for patients, 4.3 Act with honesty and integrity)
If you are carrying our research we can advise on research ethics and help with literature reviews, finding funding sources, assisting with
questionnaire design, protocol development and signposting to relevant people and documentation
Communicating with patients (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice (self care), 3.1 Communicate effectively, 3.3 Establish and maintain partnerships with patients)
We can provide:
Advice and training on and signposting to high quality sources of patient information
Evidence to help you answer patient queries
Education resources to support patient self-care
Communication skills book collection: search our online catalogue
Effective management (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice)
Request an evidence-based digests of the latest good practice to support management decision-making
If you need to develop policies ask us to find examples from other areas
Refresh your skills with a wealth of information on management tools and techniques: search our online catalogue
Clinical audit (2.1 Contribute to and comply with systems to protect patients (quality assurance))
Access information to support all stages of the audit cycle from information on conducting an audit to evidence on the latest guidelines to
evidence on what works to improve practice