This guide signposts key QI resources and library services to support The Rotherham NHS Staff undertaking QI projects. One of the first steps in any Quality Improvement (QI) project must be to establish what others have done to improve quality of care and outcomes and what research evidence might have to say on your topic. Here's where the Library and our staff expertise in literature searching comes in. We can help you connect with relevant articles and reports to inform the problem, tease out what evidence has been reported, and identify what gaps exist in our knowledge of the problem.
QI - Key websitesOnline UK based QI TrainingSelection of Useful Books and Articles |
QI Tools and GuidesAn Illustrated Guide to Quality Improvement (East London NHS FT, 2019) A guide to quality improvement tools (HQIP 2021) New Improvement and Innovation (NHS Leadership Academy) Specialist Quality improvement in hospital trusts: sharing learning from trusts on a journey of QI (Care Quality Commission, 2018) Introduction to Quality Improvement (King's Improvement Science, 2018) Quality Improvement made simple (The Health Foundation, 2013) Handbook of Service Improvement (NHS Institute for Improvement & Innovation, 2010) How to Improve (IHI) NHS England - Improvement Tools |
Use your Library to find evidence |
We enable easy access to key information and evidence resources to help you. See below for the range of resources and services we offer.
Find a Journal
Browzine allows you to search, browse and access all of the online journals your library has access to, making it easy to find journals for your interests. Click 'Choose my library' and search 'Rotherham' when you first access Browzine. To access full text of most journals, you will need to sign in with OpenAthens when prompted.
Browse available journals on healthcare services administration. This collection includes:
Find an Article
Searching: Health and Care Evidence
Search for published research articles to inform your improvement processes through the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub. Logging in with OpenAthens and searching the Hub allows you to request articles you may need that we do not have in our subscriptions, which library staff will then endeavour to obtain for you
Library Training and Evidence Searches
If you need any assistance with searching the Hub or accessing articles, contact us.
You can request a evidence search from our experienced librarians to support you in your QI project or learning - scan the QR code or contact ([email protected]) |
If you'd like to book training, please contact: 01790 424642/44; ([email protected]) or scan the QR code. Our training is available via MS Teams and in the library. All training sessions can be tailored for specific departments/ specialities. |
Books to support QIBrowse the books available in our library collection on the following topics:
You can search our new library catalogue (YorCat) which will search Rotherham Hospitals’ book and e-book collection as well as multiple NHS libraries across Yorkshire and the Humber. You can request books to be sent to you at Rotherham. |
Current Awareness |
Quick access to all things QI and our regularly-updated 'Quality Improvement News designed to keep you in touch with the latest news, developments, research and practice. We also offer Latest News Bulletins and specialist ones. Sign up Via the QR code above.
Photo used under Creative Commons from Abhi Sharma, Breve Storia del Cinema, larique, the.Firebottle, Jeff Djevdet,, and Bundesarchiv