In a recent mental health survey carried out by the Mental Health Foundation around stress, anxiety and hopelessness over personal finances, a quarter of adults said they felt so anxious that it stopped them from doing the things they want to do some or all of the time. Six in ten adults feel this way, at least some of the time. On a positive note, anxiety can be made easier to manage. Check out the local and national resources below available to you to improve Mental Health and Wellness
TRFT Mental Health SupportHealth and Wellbeing Champions - Our Health and Wellbeing Champions are here to help you, they are here to provide a listening ear and sign-post colleagues to support available for your health and wellbeing. They won't judge you and will do their utmost to listen and point you in the best direction so you can feel supported. Sometimes a chat is enough. Please feel free to contact them at any time. Remember it's ok to talk. Vivup is the Trust's confidential Employee Assistance Programme it is available 24/7, seven days a week. You can call to speak to someone confidentially and they will undertake an assessment for you to obtain further support. Call 0330 380 0658. There is also a wealth of information on the website including self help workbooks, easy read leaflets and audio books. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, using techniques like meditation, and breathing. It helps us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, we're better able to manage them. It's widely recognised that by paying more attention to the present moment and our own thoughts and feelings it can improve mental wellbeing. This helps sustain a culture of compassion for ourselves and, in turn, benefits our patients. If you would like any further details please contact [email protected] |
Metal health - Key websitesNHS: Better Health – Every Mind Matters. Advice and practical tips to help people look after their mental health and wellbeing. Includes a section for young people: NHS: Mental Health. Information and support for your mental health: Mind. Advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, including content for children and young people: Mental Health Foundation. Mental health information and advice: Rethink Mental Illness. Information and support via a network of local groups and services: For children and young people The Children's Society. Information, tips and activities for young people to help improve wellbeing: Young Minds. Supports children and young people on their mental health including practical tips and advice from young people, as well as information on getting support: On My Mind (Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families). Information co-produced with young people to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health and wellbeing. Content is available in Welsh: The Mix. Support and information for under 25s on any challenges they may be facing: health - Key websites |
Books to support Mental Health and Wellbeing at RotherhamLove to switch off with a good book?
The Library stocks a large collection of fiction for staff and patients to borrow. Health and Wellbeing books We have a vast range of books on health and wellbeing to help staff and patients learn about and manage specific health conditions, increase your fitness, diet and nutrition, and have a vast reminiscence collection for people with dementia. Click here to see our collection. Keep on top of the latest mental health information Sign up to receive the latest Mental Health News ( to receive the latest specially selected important research and news in mental health. Browse the books available in our library collection on the following topics:
You can search our new library catalogue (YorCat) which will search Rotherham Hospitals’ book and e-book collection as well as multiple NHS libraries across Yorkshire and the Humber. You can request books to be sent to you at Rotherham. E-Books - The Library & Knowledge Service provides access to three large collections of ebooks (Athens password required). Find out more about Oxford Handbooks Online, Proquest and Kortext on our dedicated ebooks page. |
How Libraries can make a differenceReading Well. Supports you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading. There are Reading Well schemes for Adult mental health, Teens, Children. All books are recommended by health experts, as well as people with lived experience. You can be recommended a title by a health professional, or you can visit your local library and take a book out yourself for free: / Red Cross wellbeing resource pack. Activities to build resilience, cope with worries, and connect with others: Mindfulness exercises and tips from Mind, including links to mobile apps that can help you practise mindfulness: For young people Mood Move and Clear Fear are evidence-based mobile apps developed for teenage mental health charity Stem4 and feature on the Reading Well for teens list. Your public library is committed to supporting your health and wellbeing. Libraries promote healthy living and provide self-management support for everyone through information and signposting, such as Reading Well. They also offer a range of creative and social activities which connect people, combat loneliness and improve wellbeing. Visit your local library website or visit your nearest library in person to find out how to join and what’s on offer. |
Photo used under Creative Commons from Abhi Sharma, Breve Storia del Cinema, Hey Paul Studios, Grant Hutchinson and Bundesarchiv