Health Literacy and Misinformation
Health literacy levels in England are very low.
You can use this Geodatatool to find an estimate of the percentage of a local authority population with low health literacy and numeracy or with just low health literacy.
- 43% of adults aged 16-65 cannot understand word-based health information sufficiently well to make health decisions
- Where numbers are added in, 61% of adults are unable to understand and act on the information
You can use this Geodatatool to find an estimate of the percentage of a local authority population with low health literacy and numeracy or with just low health literacy.
Misinformation, disinformation and finding trusted information – resources for the public
Resources for healthcare professionals, librarians and information producers
Come along to our Health Literacy Sessions Tuesday 21st January 2025 10-11am Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 362 478 813 342 Passcode: eu6kR2vX Thursday 23rd January 2025 10-11am Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 360 396 823 936 Passcode: Yx2GN6So Visit our colleagues in Health Information in the hospital foyer.
They offer patients, carers and the public leaflets, books, internet searches and help on finding quality websites. Other Useful LinksThe Health Literacy Place (NHS Education for Scotland) PIF (Patient Information Forum) National Numeracy for Health Health Literacy UK LeedsLibraries for Health – information for patients and the public - The Role of NHS Library & Knowledge Services in Health Literacy - |