Here we've selected key titles relevant to COVID-19 from our ebook collections and collections made freely available by publishers on a temporary basis to support the COVID-19 effort: browse the list below.
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Please note: the entire Oxford Medicine Online collection is freely available to NHS staff until the end of June: how to login to Oxford Medicine Online. Springer Nature has made over 500 key textbooks across our eBook subject collections available for free, until at least the end of July.
Login to ebooks below using your Athens password (get an Athens password). eBooks marked 'open access' are freely available to all: no password required. Oxford titles: to login select 'login via institution', then 'NHS in England', then your Athens details.
You may also be interested in our full ebook collections for titles across all aspects of medicine and healthcare.
Please note: the entire Oxford Medicine Online collection is freely available to NHS staff until the end of June: how to login to Oxford Medicine Online. Springer Nature has made over 500 key textbooks across our eBook subject collections available for free, until at least the end of July.
Public health and health promotion
Health Promotion in Disease Outbreaks and Health Emergencies (Chapter) Open access
Health Promotion in Disease Outbreaks and Health Emergencies (Chapter) Open access
Palliative care
Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing (Oxford, 2016)
Care of the Imminently Dying (Oxford, 2015)
Clinical Pocket Guide to Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing (Oxford, 2017)
Communication in Palliative Nursing: The COMFORT Model (Oxford, 2019)
Compassion: The Essence of Palliative and End-of-Life Care (Oxford, 2015)
Compassionate Person-Centered Care for the Dying (2015)
End of Life Care in the ICU (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in End of Life Care): From advanced disease to bereavement (Oxford, 2010)
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing (2015)
Geriatric Palliative Care (Oxford, 2014)
Oxford American Handbook of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (2014)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine (Oxford, 2015)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing (Oxford, 2019)
Oxford Handbook of Palliative Care (Oxford, 2019)
Palliative Care (Oxford 2015)
A Practical Guide to End of Life Care (2015)
Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing (Oxford, 2016)
Care of the Imminently Dying (Oxford, 2015)
Clinical Pocket Guide to Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing (Oxford, 2017)
Communication in Palliative Nursing: The COMFORT Model (Oxford, 2019)
Compassion: The Essence of Palliative and End-of-Life Care (Oxford, 2015)
Compassionate Person-Centered Care for the Dying (2015)
End of Life Care in the ICU (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in End of Life Care): From advanced disease to bereavement (Oxford, 2010)
Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing (2015)
Geriatric Palliative Care (Oxford, 2014)
Oxford American Handbook of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (2014)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine (Oxford, 2015)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing (Oxford, 2019)
Oxford Handbook of Palliative Care (Oxford, 2019)
Palliative Care (Oxford 2015)
A Practical Guide to End of Life Care (2015)