Training and educational resources on COVID-19
You may also be interested in our full range of online databases, including teaching and CPD resources such as Clinical Skills, and our online information skills training programme.
You may also be interested in our full range of online databases, including teaching and CPD resources such as Clinical Skills, and our online information skills training programme.
- e-Learning for Healthcare: Coronavirus Programme:
This programme contains e-learning courses relating to the prevention and treatment relating to the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition, useful links are included to other sources of information from the NHS and the UK Government.
The programme is freely available to colleagues working in the NHS, independent sector and social care. We have removed the requirement to register and log in:
Please note that if you do not log in, then your activity will not be tracked and you will not create a learning record. For example, if you are returning to work and need to complete your Statutory and Mandatory training, then you will need to be logged in so that the system knows who you are. So if you need to create a learning record but don’t have an account, then you will need to register. Please note this is not restricted and you can submit any email address:
You can also login with your Athens password (how to get an Athens password). - Health Education England KM Team:
eLearning resources on COVID-19: generic and speciality specific e-learning on COVID-19 collated by HEE's Knowledge Management Team and updated regularly.
- Health Education England North East & Yorkshire:
Clinical learning packages and advice for doctors and dentists - FutureLearn: Coronavirus courses
Learn more about coronavirus and the issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic with expert-led free courses on topics like coronavirus 'Diagnostics and Testing', 'Managing COVID-19 in Primary Care', 'Critical Care: Understanding and Application', 'COVID-19: Effective Nursing in Times of Crisis', & 'Anxiety in Children and Young People during COVID-19'. - Skills for Health:
In response to the pandemic, Skills for Health worked in partnership with Health Education England to outline the minimum requirements for statutory and mandatory training during the Covid-19 outbreak, to support management of the pandemic by the NHS. This covers both existing NHS staff as well as healthcare workers who have returned to practice in response to the pandemic. View courses on Covid-19: Awareness and Critical Mandatory Training eLearning Bundle for Returning Frontline Staff.