TRFT Library & Knowledge Service Conditions of Use
Procedures and guidance for users of the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Library & Knowledge Service
I would like to use the service – what do I need to know?
If you would like to join the Library at Rotherham NHS Trust you can do so via the YorCat library Catalogue. The Rotherham Library & Knowledge service is now part of of YorCat, a consortium of health libraries across Yorkshire and the Humber.
Joining the Library will generate your library membership number and password which will enable you to search the YorCat library catalogue to request books from any of the participating libraries to be sent to this library for you to borrow.
Joining the Library will generate your library membership number and password which will enable you to search the YorCat library catalogue to request books from any of the participating libraries to be sent to this library for you to borrow.
Register to join the Library via YorCat or scan the QR codeLibrary staff may ask to see user identification at any time before allowing access to library services.
Full Library services are available for:
How many books can I borrow and for how long?
- Maximum number of loans: Ten items per borrower
- Length of loans: Four weeks depending upon the item. Please note: Health Promotion Resources, electronic equipment and display boards can be booked in advance for a specified period of time.
- Number of renewals: Automatically renew five times (if no-one else has requested the item/s). You will then need to return the items or see a member of staff to reissue should you require them for longer. Please contact us to renew other equipment and resources. These items can also be booked out in advance.
- Maximum no. of reservations: you may reserve up to six items at a time. Reserved books are held for seven days before they are passed on to the next reserver or returned to the shelves
Overdue books and fines
- We do not charge fines for overdue books, but your account will be suspended if you have heavily overdue items
- Once books have passed their return date three letters/e-mails will be sent to users who have overdue books.
- Long term overdues will result in a letter being sent to the user’s supervisor and then an invoice letter will be sent.
- Journal issues will not normally be loaned.
- Access to a photocopier is available.
- However, by special arrangement it may be possible to loan certain journals e.g. supplements and thematic issues but there is no guarantee that any issue will be loaned. The length of loan will be for one week with no renewal possible.
Postal Loans
For staff not based at Rotherham Hospital books may be sent out in the internal post. The Library & Knowledge Service will take responsibility for items as far as receipt by the user. Responsibility for return of items via the post rests with the user. Only by prior arrangement can an item be issued in the name of someone other than the person who takes it from the library.
What about borrowing from other libraries?
Inter-Library Loans (ILLs) are items obtained from other libraries.
There are two distinct categories:
Only staff employed by The Rotherham Foundation Trust and Rotherham Hospice and eligible NHS England staff are automatically entitled to use the ILLs service.
Short term locums and other staff working in Rotherham for short periods will not normally be allowed to use the ILLs service.
University of Sheffield & Sheffield Hallam students should ideally use their university libraries for ILLs.
Students from other universities, on long term placements, may be able to use the ILL service. Please speak to library staff.
There are two distinct categories:
- Books, reports or whole journal issues borrowed from other libraries that must be returned to the library of origin
- Photocopies of journal articles or sections of books or reports obtained from other libraries that are for retention by the user.
Only staff employed by The Rotherham Foundation Trust and Rotherham Hospice and eligible NHS England staff are automatically entitled to use the ILLs service.
Short term locums and other staff working in Rotherham for short periods will not normally be allowed to use the ILLs service.
University of Sheffield & Sheffield Hallam students should ideally use their university libraries for ILLs.
Students from other universities, on long term placements, may be able to use the ILL service. Please speak to library staff.
- Length of loans: this is dependent upon the library from which we obtain the book
- Renewals are only permitted with the lending libraries approval so may not always be possible.
- Overdue ILL books will result in heavy fines being charged and eventually the reader being invoiced for the replacement cost according to the rules of the library the item has been borrowed from.
Users with Additional Support Requirements
If you have any difficulties in using the library and require additional help, please let Library & Knowledge Service staff know. The following types of support will be available:
All additional support needs will be dealt with on an individual basis, please ask to speak to a member of staff to register your requirements.
- Guidance, publicity material made available in alternative formats
- Help with fetching & carrying items from library shelves
- Postal service for loans and photocopies
- Help with photocopying
- Help with accessing the website and information provided on it.
All additional support needs will be dealt with on an individual basis, please ask to speak to a member of staff to register your requirements.