Anaesthetics Guidelines & Pathways
NICE Guidelines
Everything NICE has produced on the topic of Anaesthetics. Includes related guidelines, NICE Pathways, quality standards and advice. Anesthesiology & Pain Management DynaMed - Access the DynaMed Anesthesiology and Pain Management speciality portal for quick access to the latest research, guidelines and management of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, plus quick answers to clinical questions. Login with Athens (contact us for help with Athens).
Anaesthesiology Speciality portal from BMJ Best Practice
Read the latest evidence-based information and guidelines on Anesthesiology and Pain Management from BMJ Best Practice. |
Royal College of Anaesthetics - Guidelines and Resources
The College produces guidance as an aid to support good practice in anaesthesia and service provision. We use robust processes to develop our guidance, taking into account the latest research, to ensure that our recommendations are relevant and credible Association of Anaesthetists
Browse, view, and download our wide range of patient safety and care guidelines Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association
Here we have collected together our choice of national and local guidelines, selected for their quality and provided for you to adopt and adapt for your own needs. European Society of Anaesthesiology
The Guidelines Committee has established several task forces to elaborate guidelines on the related subject. The guideline topics were approved by the Guidelines Committee and the ESAIC Board after a consultation process within the subcommittees of the ESAIC Scientific Committee. The ESAIC is the leading European Organisation for Anaesthesia, Intensive Care, Pain and Perioperative Medicine. Cochrane Anaesthesia
Cochrane is for anyone interested in using high-quality information to make health decisions. Whether you are a clinician, patient or carer, researcher, or policy-maker, Cochrane evidence provides a powerful tool to enhance your healthcare knowledge and decision-making. |